Climate Resilient Appliances
A global campaign that demonstrated how affordable, energy-efficient appliances can help contribute to a green and resilient economic recovery
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At the end of October 2020, Efficiency for Access celebrated the conclusion to the Climate Resilient Appliances communications campaign. Over the course of four months, Climate Resilient Appliances partnered with 10 organisations, earned 2.7 million potential impressions on social media and reached participants across 27 countries.
Highlights of the campaign included a fact sheet that demonstrated how affordable and high-performing appliances enhanced climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts, three blog posts, ‘Reducing Food Waste and Vaccine Spoilage through Cooling as a Service (CaaS)‘, ‘Is This the Time for the Off-Grid Solar Industry to Embrace the Right to Repair?‘, and ‘An Interview with Catherine Adelmann, CEO, Fosera’ and a live Q&A ‘How do off-grid appliances enhance climate resilience?. We would like to offer a sincere thank you to all of our partners.