
Powering Inclusion

A digital campaign promoting equitable access to high-performing appliances for all individuals, enhancing their daily lives and improving livelihoods.

Man standing next to a cold storage unit

Between May and July 2024, Efficiency for Access will run the ‘Powering Inclusion’ campaign, aiming to promote equitable access to high-performing appliances for all individuals, enhancing their daily lives and improving livelihoods.

During this campaign, Efficiency for Access will create and share content on our website, social media channels, and newsletters. Additionally, we will collaborate with partner organisations to co-develop and cross-promote content on their platforms.

The campaign draws from the Low Energy Inclusive Appliances (LEIA) programme’s Theory of Change, which champions inclusive energy access. Campaign content is centered around four key themes:

  1. Poverty and frontline communities: Underscoring the role of off- and weak-grid appliances in alleviating energy poverty and empowering frontline communities to build climate-resilient futures.
  2. Gender and women: Showcasing how empowering women with access to high-performing efficient appliances drives social and economic progress and paves the way for gender equality.
  3. Humanitarian and displaced people: Emphasising how access to durable off- and weak-grid appliances is a vital lifeline for displaced communities, helping rebuild lives in the process.
  4. Green jobs: Amplifying that the growing off- and weak-grid appliances sector is a future employer, providing job opportunities for young people to sustain their livelihoods.
Campaign Aims
Woman cooking with an electric pressure cooker

Campaign Aims

- To advocate for equal access to energy by highlighting work by Efficiency for Access and our partners around four key themes: poverty and frontline communities, gender and women, humanitarian and displaced people, and green jobs.

- To showcase Efficiency for Access and our partners' role in promoting inclusion, working towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 7 ("Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all").

Follow the Campaign on Social Media

Opportunities for Participation in the Campaign

Efficiency for Access is excited to partner with organisations whose work aligns with the campaign aims. Available opportunities for collaboration include:

  1. Cross-promotion of campaign content: Our team will create thematic toolkits to share with partners for promotion. Organisations are encouraged to reshare and engage with #PoweringInclusion content from Efficiency for Access on X and LinkedIn throughout the campaign.
  2. Content submission: Submit thought leadership articles, research reports, blog posts, and videos related to our four core themes. Highlight the vital role of inclusion in ensuring clean energy access for all.
  3. Webinar participation: Join our webinar at the end of the campaign in July. Gain insights into humanitarian energy access issues and contribute to ongoing dialogue beyond the campaign.


If interested in participating in the campaign, please contact our campaign focal points: Anita Smith (anita.smith@est.org.uk) or Lisa Kahuthu (lkahuthu@clasp.ngo).


Follow the campaign on our X (formerly Twitter) and LinkedIn profiles.