
Cooling with Impact

A campaign highlighting the multiple, mutually reinforcing benefits of cooling technologies, particularly for those living in low-power or off-grid areas of the world.

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From mid-October to early December, Efficiency for Access is running the #CoolingWithImpact digital campaign. This campaign aims to underscore the significant role of sustainable cooling solutions in climate adaptation, particularly given the ongoing global impact of climate change, which disproportionately affects communities in low-power or off-grid areas.

Throughout the campaign, we are collaborating with partners to amplify existing research and messaging on the contributions of cooling technologies like cold chains, fans, and refrigerators to the following themes:

  • Cooling for Health
  • Cooling for Food Security
  • Cooling for Communities
  • Cooling for Climate

We invite interested partners to engage in the campaign by:

  1. Sharing the content from our toolkits on your organisation’s social media profiles
  2. Sending content relevant to Cooling and our four core themes – articles, blog posts, videos, or reports to Efficiency for Access for inclusion in our campaign material
  3. Including the hashtag #CoolingWithImpact on any content related to sustainable cooling solutions that contribute to the four themes we’ve identified.

To take part in the #CoolingWithImpact campaign, please contact Lisa Kahuthu via email at lkahuthu@clasp.ngo and Kyle Rees at kyle.rees@est.org.uk.