All Access Electrification Pathways
An analysis of the least cost-incurring electrification pathway for off-and weak-grid consumers in obtaining enhanced energy services.

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This research project aimed to validate the hypothesis that adopting a comprehensive approach to clean energy access, encompassing energy service delivery through affordable, energy-efficient, high-quality appliances, and coupling it with distributed renewable energy systems designed for future compatibility and interoperability, can create new ‘All Access Electrification Pathways.’
These pathways offer off-grid and weak-grid consumers multiple avenues to attain improved energy access. By standardising critical aspects of the energy service value chain, commencing with cost-effective, top-quality, energy-efficient appliances and equipment, this approach can effectively reduce the public, private, and social costs associated with achieving Sustainable Development Goal 7. Consequently, it facilitates a more efficient conversion of both private and public sector investments into the realization of enhanced, expanded, and sustainable energy access.