Off- and Weak-Grid Appliance Market: Pakistan
This country profile covers relevant market and appliance performance data for off-grid appliances sold in Pakistan based on Efficiency for Access market survey findings. It provides market insights to help inform sector stakeholders and encourage higher market penetration for high-quality off- and weak-grid appropriate appliances.
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While Pakistan’s electrification rate is relatively high, with 75% of the population reported to have access to electricity – households and businesses still experience frequent power outages due to load shedding. Recurring outages for grid-connected homes and the high percentage of rural households without access to electricity (39%) provide an opportunity for off-grid solar energy solutions to meet household energy demand, such as lighting and appliances.
Efficiency for Access engaged a local consultant in collecting appliance data from over 100 retail shops and reporting on the market conditions in Pakistan. Overall, our findings on solar appliance sales in Pakistan reflect a thriving market built primarily on fan uptake. The country’s productive use of renewable energy (PURE) and large appliance sectors, including refrigerators, solar water pumps, and evaporative air coolers, are just emerging with immense potential to transform the productivity and livelihoods of rural and urban consumers. The market is defined by widespread local manufacturing of fans, evaporative air coolers, and appliance motors, which have had positive impacts on appliance affordability, efficiency, and warranties. However, for the market to expand and for uptake of larger and productive appliances to increase, consumer awareness-raising of the benefits of off- and weak-grid appliances and ensuring quality and durability through warranties and after-sales care will be key.
Read the full report for detailed insights on the off- and weak-grid market landscape, the common power type, size, price, warranty, and performance of off-grid appliances sold in retail markets, and other findings relevant to sector stakeholders working in Pakistan.