Off- and Weak-Grid Solar Appliance Market: Sierra Leone
This country profile contains relevant market and appliance performance data for Sierra Leone. It provides market insights to help inform sector stakeholders and encourage higher market penetration for high-quality off- and weak-grid appropriate appliances.

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The off-grid appliance market in Sierra Leone is nascent and the availability of off-grid appliances is limited, mainly due to low penetration of SHS kits, limited access to credit for customers and companies, and low disposable household incomes. However, there is a sizeable potential demand for SHS and off-grid appliances to reach the 80% of Sierra Leoneans living off of the grid.
Insufficient data about the quality and performance of off- and weak-grid appropriate appliances hinders the ability of market actors to make informed purchases, investments, and policy decisions, making it difficult to deliver high-performing solutions to consumers.
In an effort to fill these information gaps, Efficiency for Access conducted market scoping surveys in 10 countries, including Sierra Leone. The Off- and Weak Grid Appliance Market Country Profile for Sierra Leone sheds light on the market like never before. The profile summarises data collected through market scoping surveys conducted in local retail shops, testing results of products sampled from the market in Sierra Leone, and interviews with a range of stakeholders, including members of government, renewable energy businesses, donors, non-governmental organisations and large electrical shops.