
Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report 2022: Outlook

This report aims to survey the outlook for the off-grid solar market and the interventions needed for the sector to achieve its full potential impact.

The Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report 2022: Outlook report — the second in a two-part series published by the World Bank’s Lighting Global, the International Finance Corporation, GOGLA, Efficiency for Access Coalition, and Open Capital Advisors — projects that hundreds of millions of people will miss out on electrification by 2030 without game changers that will accelerate access to off-grid solar technologies.

Download the ‘Outlook’ full report or executive summary to explore four off-grid solar electrification scenarios: Conservative, Projected, Optimistic and SDG7. The report also reveals the game changers that speed up access to solar energy kits, efficient appliances and productive use of energy technologies, including greater availability of pay-as-you-go consumer financing, diversified ‘beyond energy’ business models and an increase in subsidies and concessional finance.