
The Appliance Market in Bangladesh: Lessons Learnt from Field Visits and Interviews with Retailers

This paper summarises key lessons learnt from 55 in-depth interviews with appliance retailers in Bangladesh.

Over 40 million Bangladeshis lack access to electricity. Improving access to modern energy and high-quality energy-efficient appliances—both off- and on-grid—would not only benefit individuals, but generate global impact by reducing greenhouse gas emissions in one of the most populous countries.

In Bangladesh, small retail outlets facilitate the sale of most appliances and play a pivotal role in shaping consumer decisions. Retailers determine the number and type of appliances sold at their shops and communicate important product information to consumers. In 2018, Efficiency for Access conducted 55 in-depth interviews with retailers in Bangladesh to learn about the retail market for domestic appliances. This study synthesizes those interviews and finds the market conducive to improving the quality and availability of appliances, creating opportunities for businesses and society.


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