
Leveraging Remote Sensing Analysis to Inform the Solar Water Pump Market

This study aimed to further innovation in East Africa's solar water pump market by developing and testing the viability of a toolkit that leverages remote sensing to generate affordable business intelligence for the nascent solar water pump market.

Although nascent, Sub-Saharan Africa’s solar water pump market shows immense potential. The serviceable market represents 700,000 African households and is worth USD 500million- figures that could triple by 2030. However, the existing information gap undermines further growth since market actors do not have reliable information to base their decisions on.

In collaboration with RTLAB, we propose a model that leverages remote sensing, machine learning and agricultural simulations to close data gaps on smallholder farmers, enabling markets actors to serve end-users better and build viable business offerings.

This research links to LEIA’s goal of reducing the cost of efficient appliances and enhancing livelihoods. The actionable insights from the report can help improve farmers’ productivity, better allocate productive-use equipment(PUE) appliances, develop tailor-made financial products for consumers and enhance food security at the national and sub-national levels.

Read the full report here.