Solar E-Waste Management: Best Practices for the Off-Grid Sector Workshop Report
The USAID Solar E-Waste: Best Practices for the Off-Grid Sector workshop convened a range of industry and ecosystem stakeholder to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing off-grid solar e-waste management across sub-Saharan Africa.

The Scaling Off-Grid Energy and Power Africa half-day Sustainable Solar E-Waste Management: Best Practices for the Off-Grid Sector workshop took place in Dakar, Senegal on 15thOctober 2019 prior to the Unlocking Solar Capital: Africa annual event. The workshop provided an opportunity to engage more than 40 industry leaders including e-waste recyclers, solar manufacturers, solar distributors, researchers, investors, donors, and development and technology specialists.
The workshop included an overview of two new research reports on solar ewaste in sub-Saharan Africa and attendees participated in breakout group discussions on five specific topic areas vital to sustainable e-waste management: Incentives, Logistics and Processing, Informal Sector, Product Design and Battery Technologies, and Policy/Regulation. Participants collectively identified and prioritized actions in each area to take forward. Finally, the Efficiency for Access Coalition launched the second round of the Global LEAP Awards Solar E-Waste Challenge, focused on sustainable product design and battery technologies.